
Confirmed invited speakers
- Nir Bar-Gill (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dima Budker (University of Mainz)
- Anais Dreau (CNRS/University of Montpellier)
- Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann Institute)
- Nils Huntemann (PTB Braunschweig)
- John Kitching (NIST Boulder)
- Natalie de Leon (Princeton University)
- Morgan Mitchell (ICFO Barcelona)
- Jakob Reichel (LKB/École Normale Supérieure Paris)
- Jean-Francois Roch (École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay)
- James Shaffer (Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratories)
- Alice Sinatra (LKB/École Normale Supérieure Paris)
- Jörg Wrachtrup (University of Stuttgart)
Scientific organizers
Prof. Patrick Maletinsky (ASTERIQS)
Prof. Philipp Treutlein (macQsimal)
Department of Physics / University of Basel